Do you want to perform an online free tarot card reading yourself? You can ask personal questions and receive personal future predictions for free! Use on of our free tarot widgets to do your own tarot or oracle card reading and receive answers, insights, guidance and direction for every situation you have a question about. We have many different widgets for you to use, such as love reading widgets, 3 card past present future readings, celtic cross tarot readings and one card/daycard readings. The readings are all being done with different tarot card decks and oracle card decks. For example you can use the Beautiful Creatures Tarot, the Osho Zen tarot, the Green Witch tarot, Messages from your Angels oracle cards from Doreen Virtue and many more! You can use our free tarot widgets also when you don’t have a specific question. The cards will reveal information that is important for you at this very moment or will give personal forecasts for your (near) future. Using our free widgets is very simple. The only thing you have to do is just concentrate on the cards. When you want to ask a question take that question in mind. Hold your mouse on the cards to keep shuffling. When you are ready click on the cards to draw a card. When you are doing a reading with multiple cards you just repeat this procedure until all of your cards are drawn. Click on the drawn cards to reveal the card and its message. When you rather have a professional tarot card reader to do a online reading for you you can get in contact with proven and experienced tarot card readers in our free chat. They would love to help you with whatever problem or question it is you have. Join our Free tarot card reader chat | |