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Child psychiatrists


1. child psychiatrists need to do more than just offer medications as they present many treatment options and their expertise includes child development and developmental disabilities, as well as child psychology and child neurology.

2. The child psychiatric assessment tools used in the emergency room overlap with those used for adults but there are areas of difference such as mental state examination

3. A child psychiatrist can also help an emergency department team understand a child’s behaviour which is particularly helpful when the child is unwell or uncooperative with people outside of their family or home environment.

4. An approach that works is to outline the child psychiatry evidence base (research) behind how it works and why this makes sense for your child psychiatryemergency department (ED) treatment plan.

5. child psychiatry emergency department (ED) treatments are usually time-limited and need to be reevaluated on a regular basis

6. child psychiatry emergency department (ED) is an important part of the child’s overall care and should not be seen as a stand-alone service

7. The child psychiatrist has an important role in both the emergency room and in the child’s overall care.


When a child presents to an emergency department, it is important that they receive appropriate care. This includes care from child psychiatrists, who offer more than just medications. Their expertise includes child development and developmental disabilities, as well as child psychology and child neurology.